June 2 - Water leak in Living room
June 2 - Water leak in Living room
June 2 - Water leak in Living room
To:Xin Min Liu,Dylan
Wed, Jun 2 at 7:15 PM
Do you remember, last summer when I showed you and Susan where I heard the water dripping in the living room at 1012 Chowning Ave. the duplex attached to my house? Do you remember I told you they had not secured the flashing, correct because I watched them? !!!
When we had had bad rain last week Thurs.-Friday I could not see the ceiling over the calligraphy because of the hanging light and hanging lantern.
This calligraphy was one of my favorites I bought 4-scrolls at the same time, in San Francisco for $3,000 apiece, 22 years ago, we all stood in line and watched as he created each calligraphy.
My insurance does not cover water damage.
Do you remember, last summer when I showed you and Susan where I heard the water dripping in the living room behind the walls?
Do you remember, last summer when I showed you and Susan where I heard the water dripping in the living room behind the walls?

My insurance does not cover
water damage....
from the homeowners water-leak roof
My insurance does not cover
water damage....
from the homeowners water-leak roof
As you read Xin Min's response to everything is to deflect away with no compassion, empathy or remorse for anything that happens!!
As you read Xin Min's response to everything is to deflect away with no compassion, empathy or remorse for anything that happens!!

Xin Min Liu
Thu, Jun 3 at 7:52 AM
Hello, Dylan, when can my handyman and I come and...
To:Xin Min Liu,Dylan
Thu, Jun 3 at 7:58 AM
When we had had bad rain last week Thurs.-Friday I could not see the ceiling over the calligraphy because of the hanging light and hanging lantern.
If I got this much water...where did the other water go?
Today or tomorrow.........is Ok...just some notice Dylan
On June the 3rd Landlord and Moni came to look at the leak and as they were looking at the leak from 10 feet away the Landlord says, “I smell cat piss, do you let your cat urinate in your living room.” He stated this because my cat had died 4 months earlier, the New Year’s Eve situation she was so scared it made her stop eating and I watched her starve to death for 3-weeks. These statements were planned ahead of time, to instigate an argument!
My response was, “That was vulgar, to say standing in this beautiful living room.”
Landlord Xin Min Liu - proceeded to explain he could smell it and that was a fact and I pointed to the Lysol can on the counter and said, “I sprayed the whole house, as I always do.”
I then told him to leave my home, after these remarks and he did. Then he sent about 18 text messages to me on June 5th.
Explaining...... that his opinion was a Fact,
and I need to know this!!!!!!!!!
**** The Communist Xin Min was brought up to "OBEY" or "Get Punished" this is a very simple philosophy to demonstrate and teach to anyone who..." worships Money, as their God in Life"
and therefore,
has NO Soul, NO Honor, NO Morality, NO LOVE
a Spiritual understanding of Humanity in the world.
on June 5th
here were 18-emails
in 14-minutes by Xin Min Liu
Thought....... Danforth Farms would like to meet their next HOA -President in person
the "Propaganda Campaign" begins
on how this
good old "Chinese Redneck"
is going to change
your lives..... for the better
on June 5th
here were 18-emails
in 14-minutes by Xin Min Liu
Thought....... Danforth Farms would like to meet their next HOA -President in person
the "Propaganda Campaign" begins
on how this
good old "Chinese Redneck"
is going to change
your lives..... for the better

Wed, Jun 30
To:Xin Min Liu
Wed, Jun 30 at 12:43 PM
I suggest you get educated upon the maintenance you want to perform. Your knowledge of fiber micro particles and their severe damage to anyone's health, is shocking!! I strongly suggest you contact a Lic. Roofing Company and at least get informed, as to the personal hazards of opening up a ceiling with "Black Installation, that is moldy wet!"
Instead, you are confronting me over and over this same issue, that Moni performed 2-times and "FAILED" I have property losses. NOW...this will be the 3rd time to repair the roof. Moni has no idea what he is doing, he is just collecting a check he is just a handiman!! On recorded Moni stated, "I do not how to find the leak!" I told him he would have to go into the attic and look from there. He stated, "That is not possible" but he has never been up there. He knows as much about the health hazards as you do and when you have released all these micro-fibers into the air in my duplex and leave the particles are still there!! You are unaware of the extended health damage, if this job is not done by licensed professionals!!
This is why roofers have Licenses because these are also potential legal cases, I am actually trying to make you understand this is not you against me. This is doing a hazardous job correct because your tenant's health is at risk!!!! Your tenant Kat is 8-months pregnant; if she gets sick from these micro-particles she works for an attorney. You decide what will happen next.
By the way, as the "Landlord" you have had this leak situation since June 3rd almost a month and you left my ceiling open for 3-weeks now, and ignored the problem until it leaked, again, where was your emergency! You like to blame other people for your responsibilities. I think now is the time for some legal advice, Xin Min before you proceed!! In Oklahoma, we call this, "Doing the right thing."
To:Xin Min Liu
Wed, Jun 30 at 12:51 PM
I accept your email offer to move out, but immediately, is not possible, because you have to fix the living room leak before I can get out of this duplex. I cannot pack or lift anything over 20lbs. doctor's orders for 6-month, from the near heart attack on New Year's Eve, so I will have to hire someone for that.
If this is acceptable under the terms in your email above, I will give a 60-notice and be out before then.
Xin Min Liu <xmliu@att.net>
Wed, Jun 30 at 1:01 PM
Then let us in to look at the ceiling by opening it. That's part of the condition.
I will be there tomorrow and then will decide if I need to hire a roofing company.
Xin Min
To:Xin Min Liu,Dylan
Wed, Jun 30 at 2:54 PM
It is too bad you did not read and understand my email on the hazards of Black Installation and Mold by proceeding with this job request tomorrow with only an uneducated handyman.
Since you totally ignored my letter of caution and concern, I contacted my attorney again. So, now your blind stubbornness has exacerbated this issue.
I am instructing you come in and look all you want, only, I will be recording again. Your threat of eviction did not go very well!!
My attorney will be contacting you, do you want her to contact your attorney?
Xin Min Liu <xmliu@att.net>
Wed, Jun 30 at 3:06 PM
Sorry, sir, I have a strong feeling that you are the stubborn one.
All I want is to look into the attic to see where the leak is coming from and fix it. We don't have to open the ceiling wider; we will look for the trap door inside your duplex unit into the attic.
Please cooperate. If you want to use your attorney so frivolously, go ahead.
Of course, you still have the option to move out and I will give you the deposit back if the house is left in good condition. That will save everybody trouble, as you can go about your business somewhere else and I fix my property. Xin Min
To:Xin Min Liu
Wed, Jun 30 at 4:13 PM
I will let my attorney know what you, think, that she is frivolous just like my health and safety, right!.
Ignoring my several letters warning of the dangers to our health in your approach you are using, only demonstrates your individual disregard for human life and wellbeing!! Neither, of you, has a clue what you are doing, you are over your head in taking this legal responsibility, do you understand?
Since you are so brilliant and know everything about roof repair, protective clothing, breathing ventilators, plastic barriers to prevent the spread of the black mold microfibers, which stick to every surface, once airborne this is why they are so hazardous to long term health.
OK you can just explain it to my attorney, so I have confidence in your ability. I am going to move out and it was my plan, anyway.
Look forward to seeing both of you tomorrow, make sure to tell Moni 10 am, this time, want some tea?
To:Xin Min Liu
Thu, Jul 1 at 9:01 AM
Well, it pouting down rain now.
I need to know if you are coming to the house at 10am to look at the leak, or not? ??
I do have a doctor's appt. this morning and have to coordinate my schedule.
To:Xin Min Liu
Thu, Jul 1 at 9:06 AM
Forgot to tell you, both will have to take your shoes off outside, there is a chair, as to not track mud or water on my carpets, thank you...
Xin Min Liu <xmliu@att.net>
Thu, Jul 1 at 9:30 AM
Yes, we will be there at 10 and will put on plastic sleeves on our shoes.
Xin Min
Legal Notice for July 10, 20214
Legal Notice for July 10, 20214
,Notice for July 10, 2021
To:OK Docs,
Fri, Jul 9 at 7:20 PM
To: Legal Shield – OK 67-Q-C63
Hello Debbie,
Glad to meet you. You will see, I did everything I could to get a better outcome, but logic and caution are worthless to a narcissist. My hope is you can document that Health and tenant Safety overrides the Landlords Notices of failure to allow repairs. He needs to have a Lic. Roofing Company to perform this job. My health and wellbeing are more important than his Notice. I paid my rent and just want to move out, I was not even looking to move till Sept. I documented my case well for even the Landlord to understand, instead, he ignored everything as he always does, because no one can tell him what to, not even a frivolously, attorney, as you will read! I am trying hard to finish this, but have been sick all morning.
Some History:
When I moved in on 7-1-2019 I found the a/c could not cool the small house. I complained because the thermostat runs 24/7 and I had to manually turn it on and off. Finally, the Landlord bought another a/c unit. When Moni came over to change out the return air filters, he had to buy new frames because they did not make those filters anymore. When he pulled the front old frame down, black dust filled the air; black balls of insulation fell and exploded on the floor into dust. When he pulled the other air returns old frame down in the back, even more, black insulation fell to the floor and all over Moni. He had no idea what it was or that it was hazardous to his health!
Moni is Iranian does not like Trump or America and did not like the Landlord, much at the time, he talked to me a lot because I was the only person who could understand his hatred and I discovered he did tell the landlord about the Black Mold Insulation, he had found in the attic!
After calling some roofing companies, I learned there was NO insulation in the attic and worse was the terrible health issues associated with the 45 year-deteriorated fiberglass microfibers, which are invisible, and stick to everything, especially your lungs! What this meant was all the attic ducting was exposed to the heat and cold temperatures outside. So, when the return air in the ceiling is pulled into the metal ducting, this is now 10-15 degrees hotter than outside temperatures. This is why the thermostat ran 24/7 and my electric bill was shocking for a 900 sf house.
I bought a $300 a/c window unit and put it in the kitchen last month, to cool the house this summer. As my health was good enough to move out of this house and I wanted to be cool as I packed everything up, I could as it takes a month to pack.
This was written after the 10 am meeting on 7-1-2021.
It wasn’t until our meeting this morning at 10 am, that I understand, the new-emergence to open the ceiling, we hard torrential rain coming, today, tonight, and for many days. So, opening up the ceiling and leaving the hole open, the rain could do the most damage to my home and property.
Here is the landlords logic, he had 2-Plans;
1.To put a 16-20 inch hole in the ceiling, so Moni could stick his head up and see where the leak was coming from. The chances of any success are about 1%. I tried several times to explain….sticking Moni’s face up there into hazardous and caustic micro-fibers…without any mask at all, would be threatening his health and life. These are deteriorating micro-fiberglass particles and they stick to every surface, your body, and always into your lungs, for a long time.
I explained, the problem is there is no way-to-close-the hole!!!! With a hole that big any draft from the entire attic full of black-insulation and mold, so any air-movement up or down with 1. Any airflow drafts or 2. Any water that entered my home would be full of deteriorated black insulation; as dust, sand, small balls, and everything has MOLD.
2.The Landlord and Moni carried out their other plan of attack.
Knowing, I was not going to let him open the ceiling and destroy my property, health, and livelihood. So, when I asked what their plans were and Moni said, “Open the ceiling and look up there and see, if I can see the water leak.”
I said, “NO.” My attorney will contact you tomorrow. I explain Human Health overrides fixing a water leak, as the ceiling only has a very small hole of ¼ inch wide. So, waiting a day or two, for the rain to STOP and to get a Lic. Roofing Company to come out and explain the safety and health procedures was the best way to go.
The Landlord said, “I own this house, open the ceiling.” I said again, NO! This happened 3-times. The Landlord started telling me, “I can do anything; I own this is my house.” I said, “Yes, but this is my valuable property, you want to endanger my health and my life. I have a legal contract for “Quiet Enjoyment.” I stated, “You need to go and get educated about the hazards of what you want to do, and are you going to be responsible for any damages after you leave?” This Landlord said….”Do not worry about it,” and this is his escape line was “do not bother me,” I learned.
The Landlord started staying, “I’ll evict you, and will not get a recommendation.” I order them out of my living room. Stuck my arm out and pointed to the door. The Landlord kept arguing the same things, “I want to open the ceiling up, I want to open the ceiling up!! The Landlord began, moved closer to me I was 8 Ft. away by my black desk in the corner. Again, I ordered him out of the house and stated, “You are trespassing, now, I will call the police."
Now, the Landlord moved within 3ft. of me, he is 5’3” weights and 120 lbs., I am 5’11” 230 lbs. a Marine. He kept saying some stupid stuff, I could not understand him.
So, as we stood there, I order the Landlord out of my house about 10-times with my arm outstretched to the door at the.....TOP of My Lungs!!. Neither, of them, moved, I told Moni, “Get out of my house,” he did not move. They were actually, unusually, calm during this situation, as my living room is very small with furniture in there. Then, I realized, The Landlord was doing everything he could to get me into a physical confrontation! He was trying to get me mad enough to throw him out of my house physically, but, Moni…. the backup man was to my right and I would have had to deal with them both. I now understood, this narcissi competition the Landlord was playing. If I made any move, then, the Landlord would call the police with assault & battery and his witness!!! Clever plan to get rid of me in jail and the Landlord would have access to my home and property.
Then, they just decided to leave, I did not, do as they had planned and predicted, and as the Landlord was out the door about 10 feet turn, he started tell me everything he was going to do to me and as Moni walked past he calmly showed me his cell phone…in his top pocket, as he was still recording everything.
I walked back inside and heard the rain pounding my chimney and opened the door. The Landlord had already gone to his car and had already taped a pre-type Legal Notice, to my glass door. So, when I opened the door, it was pounding rain, so I got my cell and videoed the pouring rain and the Notice on my door, for not letting them open my ceiling to create a terrible leak.
This Landlord, would have just walked out the door, left the hole open, and would then, say…. “Do not worry about it,” and then, his narcissistic “do not bother me.”
All of this had nothing to do with the water leak, it sat for 3-weeks, this was all about whether, the Landlord Chinese Xin Min Liu could dominate and manipulated Dylan!!
I have some pertinent text messages about the leak and a video I took, but do not know how to get them to email??

The Water Leak is in the corner of the Room
The Water Leak is in the corner of the Room
I am showing my living room, so you understand what I am protecting, as a lifelong Art Collector, everything I have is “Original” NO Copies, except the statues, and with the Landlord's envy and jealousies issues...hopefully he would like to see everything destroyed.
I have had many parties through the years and when almost all Chinese have come to my home, they are overwhelmed, as they have traveled the world. Xin Min Liu has absolutely, Nothing, of Chinese origins or the culture in his 3000 sf house. I know more about Chinese history than he does, and so, Dylan represents everything he wished he had become, culturally educated, a writer, and a lover of art.
Since money is his God, he has no remorse, because he is always, right,

The water leak is in the corner ceiling.... to the right of the red circular disk on the left. The leak is visible in the corner
The Great Wall is 9x6 ft. and 150 years old oil painting and I have owned it for15 yrs. Every painting in my home would be a magnet for micro fiberglass particles…and how do you clean an oil, watercolor, charcoal, or pastel paintings?
The above picture is looking at the water leak from the other end of the room. You can see all the valuable collector items....The right picture is of the other end of the room with my desk and TV.
So, Debbie how would balance:50-yrs of Art Collecting $$$$, your future Health, and Well-being at 70-years old vs a Water Leak this is what I would ask a Judge?