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The Narcissistic-Communist 

and their 2021 

Betrayal in America . . . . .

Democratic News  Media Narcissism - 

morphs into 

Communism  Algorithm - 101 

“Divide, Overthrow & Conquer….. America”

The United States of America 

is the Great Country in the World!

Today, all I have found is that Republican Narcissism - 101

has engulfed America.....

“It’s not my Fault, and it’s sure

as Hell,

Never..... my Problem.”

I would like to begin by thanking President Trump and our First Lady Melania for their service to America. 

What happened to both of you and our Country was an act of domestic terrorism founded by the Chinese, the Russians, and the left-political Communist Party Democrats. This fact is destructively important, as our 200-year old Constitutional Freedoms in the United States of America diminish, each day.

As I wrote each of the 54-letters in 2020-21 and communicated with some people, I always thought this was the last letter, the very last letter. This is why I put so much information and material into each letter, because it was the final letter.

For any person living in the United States of America, 

who express

 they are afraid 


to stand up for their own County!!!

You need to go to every cemetery in this great Country and get on your hands and knees with eternal thanks of gratitude for the Veterans and people who have protected; you’re sorry ass every day, for you to breathe!

You cannot be Anti-American, Anti-Flag live in this Country, 


and not be a Domestic-Communist Terrorist!!

Hello fellow Americans,

I am sorry, I had to create this website and happy because; as the documents were commingled together they inferred/demonstrated there is a lot going on Internationally behind the scene. This is just the first report, just opening the window to look inside  "This Communist Conspiracy."

You will have read my entire horrible story to understand, how devesting these communists were upon my personal finances and life, and my goals, today!

If you went to the SongBook website, you understand the importance of producing these Songs for the Trumps, America, the Queen, and the World:   



   1.   Producing the music-video's of:

                              "The Magic in you Love"  and  "Unconditional Love"

   2.   Publishing the Songbook  "theEthics" of Honorable Intelligence

If you would like to HELP/Assist..... because everything is going to get a lot harder for me. This was my duty to do this for my Country, it took 6-weeks to create this website, at 5-10 hours a day.

Each of you has to find your own ability to defend this America, our Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, our ancestors!! 

                          Since this story is now, public knowledge!!


Dylan Stephens

Retired USMC Sgt. 

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Dylan's  Introduction

Xin Min Liu...represent how 1-Chinese man can silently, infiltrate a community with the financial backing of the Party for over 20yrs.

My only goal, after I had moved was to inform the Danforth Farms community concerning these Chinese Domination Plans of Xin Min Liu. The problem was there are no contact information, no HOA President to address a letter. This site reflects the personal and political personality of Xin Min, as his Communist Philosophy is on display in every email and document!

Preparing this website was very difficult, and complicated and I started the day I had finished moving out!!

I FedExed a copy to all 3-Recipients and never heard a word!!!


To:      Commandant of the United States Marine Corps

                                                               General Robert B. Neller

           Chaplain of the United States Marine Corps

                                                               Rear Adm. Brent Scott

           Sergeant Major of the United States Marine Corps

                                                               Sergeant Major Ronald L. Green

Fm:    Dylan Stephens – Author - "theEthics" of Honorable Intelligence.

           Nov. 1967 to Dec. 1971

           Retired USMC Sgt. 1971

           Edmond, OK. 73034


Re:       a Marine Corps Doctrine of Honor titled,   The Eternity of a Marine

Good Morning Sirs,

I’m contacting you directly to discuss the merits of “The Eternity of a Marine” a Doctrine of Honor; about the Eternal Soul of a Marine published in my Kindle eBook "theEthics" of Honorable Intelligence - a Philosophy, Poetry, and Songbook.

You need to know something, about the Marine who composed this Doctrine of Honor for himself 48-years ago. No one in the world has seen my eBook or read the song, to date because I never marketed the eBook since 3-14-2018.

Sgt. Stephens- USMC Detached History: from memory at 68, my dates may be off a month – Going Home on Leave

Nov. 1967 – 17-Years and 2-month - Boot Camp - MCRD San Diego, Calf. - Pvt. – Qualified Sharpshooter with M-14 Rifle

Feb. 1968 – Camp Pendleton – ITR Training – Qualified Expert with M-14 Rifle

Mar. 1968 – Field Radio Operator School, 2531 MOS- San Diego, Calif. - PFC

May 1968 – July 1968 - 2nd ANGLICO, Air & Naval Gunfire Liaison Company, II MEF | Camp Lejeune, NC - L/Cpl.

I was ordered to GITMO, Cuba for radio training, Jr. Jump School, base alerts, and duty for 3-months.

July 1968 – ANGLICO was sent to the Vieques, Puerto Rico Naval Training Range:

Sighting-in the 16-inch guns of the Battleship New Jersey, for duty in Vietnam; I was one of 5-Marines chosen to sight in the 16” Naval Guns, with several flights of 4-Phantoms, Navy 2-seater jets, and numerous Helicopters running live air to ground attacks between Naval Firing that went on for hours.

We were watched/supervised by the Commandant of the Marine Corps Leonard F. Chapman Jr. and Sergeant Major Herbert Joseph Sweet of the USMC during the live shelling and bombing missions they, were standing 15-feet behind us, with about 30-Generals, Commanders, reporters, and Colonels, as we called in the 16” Naval Guns and many airstrikes. The sound/shock wave from the 16” guns exploding on target was far greater than anyone on that hill was expecting and we were 2-clicks away.

Commandant Chapman and Sergeant Major Herbert talked to each of us about our experience, at ease, “They wanted to know if we felt if we were actually in control of the entire operation, we each said, yes?” We each gave our ideas, but this was the first time we had called in Naval Guns, do you think we were beyond excited!

There was a Command Center of 5-PRC-25 radio sets to control operations set up in a circle on the top of the hill this way each Marine could each hear all 5-radios chatter, at the same time:

          1.a radio for the incoming CH-46 helicopters dropping off endless observers

          2.a radio for flights of 4- jets coming to the target

          3.a radio for the helicopters coming to the target

          4. 2-radio communicating with the ship

                           a. Calling in live 16” Guns gunfire with target corrections

                           b. Pre-fire Naval Ship coordination, so we each operated every radio.

Everyone was standing on top of a hill with a front-row seat to all the sounds, smells, and visual explosions in real-time. The New Jersey had to shoot port and starboard and the time between was for the jets and helicopters. Our Navy Officers helped us a lot, as they were also Naval Pilots. We stood there and we saluted as they walked away. What a story for a young Marine, I have their picture together talking.

August 1968 – Jan. 1969 – 2nd ANGLICO - Mediterranean Cruise went across the Pacific on an LST ship and hit a

Hurricane lost a ship's propeller, the 50-ship convoy left us, went on deck and we were all alone; they strapped us into our bunks. During each landing we practiced day and night recon missions from the ship, daily missions to set up Observation Posts and a Communication Command Center before each island landing. We hit another Hurricane coming back on an LST to America, much, much worse, very cold and a lot of great stories we thought we would die. . . . .

I was again strapped in my bunk standing up-side-down in my bunk every 15-30 minutes and then standing straight up. The stories of trying to go out the hatch and around the corner to the Head are unbelievable; there are no seat belts in the Head!!

April 1969 – June 1969 - I was ordered to GITMO, Cuba for extensive radio, field exercises, physical training and my

3rd Jr. Jump School we practiced our PLF’s in 4-directions off the tailgate of a PC truck, but the Cpl.’s just back from Vietnam thought the truck needed to go not 10-MPH, NO NO….. 20-30MPH as it would give us more accurate training, they were right, I qualified expert with the pistol, the first time. I had never fired a weapon before coming in the USMC., got orders for Vietnam in Cuba.

August 1969 – December 1970 - Vietnam War – Cpl. and Sgt.

I was immediately promoted to Cpl. and Sgt. in 1-3 months; I had a Top Secret Final Clearance and I handled all Cryptography messages and setting daily codes for communications; as the 5th Marines Regimental Radio Chief at the An Hua, Firebase Command Center. I was in charge of all the radios/equip in 3-battalions on different firebase locations and all incoming message communication within the Regimental Command Center.

Then, the last 8-months I was detached as a 2 or 3-Man radio squad to handle foreign-liaison for combat and air radio-communications between USMC and the Arvans, then the Korean Marines, and finally for Army MAC-V recon operations that were everywhere in 3-Countries.

January 1971 – December 1971 - Now, I was on Project Transition going to Control Data Institute for Computer Programming/Systems Analyst waiting for my Medical Discharge from the Marines and was called back to the neurological ward at Camp Pendleton for a final evaluation took        30-days just lying in bed.

My computer class went on without me, so when I returned to school I knew no one in the classes, so I worked 24/7 alone and for the final test on Systems Analysis. I visited McDonald Douglas Aircraft and they took me through the Business, Personal, and Accounting Depts. I designed a new check design for accounting and merged all the necessary input from all 3-Depts. on the Hollerith Card of 80 columns of information, thus, commingling all three departments. Then, I wrote the computer programs to accomplish this task. I graduated with Honors and the President of the School asked me if they could copy my Systems Analysis Assignment to use as train material.

While, lying 24/7 in bed in the Neurological Ward at Camp Pendleton, watching, talking, and listening to all the other very injured Marines, come and go for 30-days… I wanted to say something and just wrote:

                                                                                           The Eternity of a Marine

These were the real combat Marines of America; I wrote this Doctrine of Life to Honor each of them, my Marines, and those lost for eternity in Vietnam and the Wars of America!

Failure of Honor, Duty & Responsibility has extreme consequences in Life and every Marine needs to know…. 

Their Human Pride or the Dishonor of every Marines behavior

 is eternal 

in the Annals of The United States Marine Corps.

Thank you for reading my song/doctrine and book site anyone can contact me on my book site with questions of any kind. 

I am in the middle with sunglasses; my eyes were so sensitive to the sun, I could not see without them.

A very hon​orable Semper Fi,

Dylan. Stephens - Sgt.

Civilian Marine

PS. In 1964-65 when I was studying for my God & Country Boy Scout Merit Badge at the Putnam City Methodist Church Reverend Baker used a Jewish Bible for my introduction to the Book of Genesis he stated, there were Christian bibles, but the original text representing the Old Testament had been modernized.

So, at 14-years old my belief for myself was that “God was a Mighty Wind that moved over the face of the Earth.” You will read in all my writings and throughout the book site when you read .....“theWind” this is God.

The 19-months with ANGLICO I was trained by 2-3 Navy Pilots for about 20-Marines, so communication was direct. As I was detached, they were there, with a different perspective of thought to resolve problems and situational decisions, especially on the recon missions in the Mediterranean.

The Lt.’s took me on shore leave to all the countries; I talk about this under the Doctrine of the Eternity of a Marine. These pilots had flown missions in Vietnam and with ANGLICO radio operators directing them to the target. Now, they were on the ground with our radio operators, and myself to explain what was going on in the cockpit and how, when, where, how much ordnance, and when do you want these rockets disseminated was your only focus.

I had 100’s of practice mission hours on the radio. The Pilots would be in another room, building, or on a hilltop on a PRC-25 radio simulating their behavior as a Flight of three - F-4 Phantoms jets coming into the target…everything was live and as real as it gets, sirs. 2 or 3 pilots would be using the same radio talking over each other and to us the radio operators on the ground. They put us through every event possible in combat. There is only 1-frequency used, so each pilot is talking to the other and the radio operator…all live at the same time. The conversations were question and answer... a flight of 4-with HE, napalm, and rockets where do you want them? They created scenarios for us to handle live and the pilots were as animated, as if it was actually happening with emotions and loud talking, i.e.; flame out ditching the plane, going down, call my wife……. then, silence or I’m hit, I’m hit smoke in the cockpit, mayday, mayday, or there is a company of NVA coming 1-click south in the jungle, heading to ship, low on fuel.

So, I had the best of 2-worlds a Marine trained by the Vietnam Radio Operators Veterans coming back and the different Navy Lieutenant’s, Sir they literally took this 17-18-year old kid…. under their flight wings. Now, my Vietnam story makes a little more sense, how I was one of the Marines trained to be the Regimental Radio Chief, as an L/Cpl.

1.Dylan in the middle with sunglasses by the 105 howitzer

2.Dylan is on crutches –ankle sprain jumping out of moving helicopter

Dylan is on crutches –ankle sprain jumping out of moving helicopter....these were my good friends we had been together for 2-yrs and went all over the world. Johnson, Piper, and Clark.. we all went to Vietnam together

 I to 5th Marines Regiment and they were at 1st Marine Force Recon....Clark is gone.


Chaplain of the United States Marine Corps

Rear Adm. Brent Scott

Dear Chaplain Scott,

I wanted to speak with you in private because this matter, it is not a direct Marine function. I have sent to you a copy of a letter; I FedEx to Ivanka Trump and I do not believe she received my package. I think we need a happy medium, sir. This is how I describe the song “The Magic in Your Love” . . . . .

I have 1-song no one in the world, knows who is narrating the story of the song. This song is a tribute to a person of the very most famous people in the world and the song is even higher in the realm of excellence with inspirational music by Jia Peng Fang, and not because of whom they are; it’s a love-song of the remarkable adventure of life, their lives.

The truthfulness of the iridescent lyrics and heartfelt emotions of music will drift this song upon the eternal echo of yesterdays, Tomorrows, Forever…..

This song is so unbelievable original, Romantic & Passionate both men and women; as Republicans, Democrats and even the narcissistic-communist will cry in any language in the world; upon hearing the song.

In today's, terms Sir, the origination of a beautiful romantic tribute and the narration is 1st person, as Donald is whispering to his virtuous Melania Trump. It appears the Trumps and all the women in the world will never hear the song that unites a Man and Woman on an ethereal level of benevolence. On a literary level it’s the 1600’s and Shakespeare’s two young star-crossed lovers meet; as Romeo is harmonizing, a romantic reverence of love to Juliet on the ancients winds of time, as she sleeps. . . . . . All of my work and 6-albums have been waiting for      7-years now in a hallowed drawer of timelessness. I formatted the book only to share the songs, but all efforts have failed for this old Marine.    I recorded the 4-album anthology in 4-2012 in Amarillo, Texas, your hometown, but I’m a Houstonian.

The exponential power of 1-YouTube video of this song; would change the kaleidoscope perspective of both Donald and Melania around the world because unlike tweets, which are read once; Women from every culture will dream, these words were meant for them by their husband, as they are witnessing the visual loving journey of Donald and Melania Trump. This is the only poem or song, I ever wrote from the 1st person because it had to be.

a Man who walks in the footsteps of his own Destiny, resonates with “theWind” as it muses over; the endowment of originalities from a Man’s Soul of Ancient Dreams. Shakespeare saw the world, as a stage; I envision the world; as an eternal spectacle of endless colors of enlightened twilights of divine greatness.....

Chaplain Scott, if you could somehow give Ivanka her letter and tell her about the song and how to contact me, this would make me happy. Most artists seek applause for the art; I seek only a tear for my Soul. The Trumps need some personal happiness; to re-generate the courage, to do what they have done and will do for the future for America!

Thank you for your continued service,

Dylan Stephens, Retired Marine

Written on my 21st birthday 9-25-1971 ….. Lying in bed at Camp Pendleton


The Eternity of a Marine

The United States Marine Corps is a lifelong Fraternity


Dignity, Pride, Duty, and Integrity 

with Honorable Men and Women


is a Man or Women

who reveres the Pride of their Immortal Spirit

and the personal accomplishments of their Eternal Soul,

Exemplifying the Honor,

which, enriches their conduct of “the Self.”

Pride of “the Self” and the Honor of their Soul,

reflects the highest standards, any Human Being can accomplish

throughout, the Journey of their Life in The United States Marine Corps.

. . . . .

any Marine, who loses their Self-Honor and Pride

will search forever for their Eternal Soul

in an empty glass, of Courage.

Marines who forsake, their Love of the Marine Corps

Never proclaim with Pride, they are Marines

because in their Hearts they know

they have disgraced their Integrity of “the Soul.”

They hang their heads Forever,

as they have dishonored

The United States Marine Corps and their Parents who gave them Life.

Never, cherishing the American Flag 


the Marine Corps Flag

as a Human Being,

Ever again,  in  your Life or Death . . . . .

Sgt. Dylan Stephens

2nd ANGLICO and the 5th Marine 

Regimental Radio Chief - Vietnam 1969-70

The Last Edmond Letters

I sent many FedEx letters to the ubiquitous City & Business leaders of Edmond, OK. in the 2-yrs I was there; this letter to Mrs. Nechoma Goldman, and to Mindy Harvey were each a culmination of my final thoughts and the last letters, that I created in Edmond, Oklahoma

Today, all I have found is that Republican Narcissism-101

has engulfed America,

“It’s not my fault, and it’s not my Problem.”




Mrs. Nechoma Goldman, Program Director

3000 W Hefner Road

Oklahoma City, OK 73120-5107


Fm: Dylan Stephens - Author - “theEthics” of Honorable Intelligence - a Philosophy, Poetry, International Songbook

Retired USMC – Sgt. 1971

Edmond, OK, 73034 – best way to contact

Re:The 2-songs “The Magic in Your Love” and “Unconditional Love

                                Have Nothing for Sale!

These are the Attachments, I would like to share:

                1.18-11-11 Song - 17-1-6 The Magic in your Love-3 for First Lady Melania Trump

                2.21-2-4 Song - Unconditional Love –for Princess-Lady Diana Spencer -1

                3.21-5-25 Letter to Don Trump, Jr at Trump Tower-1

                4.20-12-17 Letter to The Mar-a-Lago Club - CEO - Bernd Lembcke-2

                5.19-1-1 Letter to Commandant of the USMC-5 ANGLICO-2

                6.20-10-22 Letter to Melania Trump- at the White House-1

                7.21-5-29 Letter to Mandy Harvey-6

Good Morning Nechoma,

First, I would like your word that our communications will, be private, you, me, and God….until we understand each other and decide to do something public?? Agreed!

There is absolutely no way to prepare you, Nechoma….. for this unbelievable story and adventure, as you find it is impossible to compartmentalize all the stories, on just the Song Page of the Songbook website! I have spent the last 4-days creating your letter, finished at 3 am this morning. I have tried to meet people in Edmond, but no one socializes these days, so I will spend the 4th of July, alone listening to music.

These are just 2-songs of the many, that I have, but it’s the incredible story of all the documents from the last 3-years, which is mind-blowing. I have only sent the most pertinent 2-documents, but there are many others written. I am Episcopalian-Methodist in my worship, I have contacted several Christian Churches, Priests, Ministers, and News Chronicles, it seems each is so busy with their own schedules & plans; they have NO Interest in any stories not related to, their own church interest!

This was Erik Tryggestad, reply from The Christian Chronicle:

“I appreciate the work you've put into these songs, but I don't see anything here that would be of interest to the Church. It seems like you're attempting to contact the Trump family and I cannot be of any help there, either. We are just a Christian Church.” 

The other response was the same, replies; it’s not my fault, not my problem.

In this volatile explosive world today, it seems these Christian Priests and Ministers are sticking their heads in the ground, until it is safe to come out! Within their indifference, each seems to have forgotten they have religious freedom, only because they living in America. Go to the graveyards and look at the countless Jews and Christians, proud Americans, who gave their lives to keep this country free and safe from the oppression of Hitler, Japan, and Communist destruction. Their head was not in the ground, as they were so proudly, looking up at the American Flag, as it went into battle with each of them, and they still do on this honorable day July 4th, 2021.


George Drew Kirkpatrick Bank <>

To:Dylan Stephens

Wed, Jun 2 at 10:58 AM

HI Dylan,

Sorry, I have been covered up with bank matters and have not reviewed the previous info you provided.


..................................................................................................................................................................                                                                               . 

Some history:             I have copywritten 4-books, 201-poems & songs

In my attached letter to Commandant of the USMC, when you go to the PS. this is what you will read.

PS. In 1964-65 when I was studying for my God & Country Boy Scout Merit Badge at the Putnam City Methodist Church. I used a Jewish Bible for my introduction to the Book of Genesis, because the Reverend stated, there were Christian bibles, but the original text representing the Old Testament had been modernized.

So, at 14-years old my belief for myself was….. that “God, was a Mighty Wind that moved over the face of the Earth.” You will read in all my writings, poetry, songs, books, and throughout the Songbook site when you read “theWind” this is God. I am not a plumber, a mechanic, long-distance runner, architect, or priest, I am just a humble poet and it seems God wants me to reach more people without using his name, sharing his point of view, so I spent 50-years writing with this epigram, as a principle image-metaphor in my writing. 

So, when you see "theWind" on the 5-CD cover and each CD:

"theSilent" Force of "theWind" upon

"theLuminosity" of Psychic Energies

Nechoma, do you understand what I am entrusting, to you or better God!

So, to the point, I have tried for Christianity to be recognized for accomplishing my 2-requests concerning these Songs, as you will read. I have well-documented communication with Priests, Pastors, and Dr. of Religion, and so very unfortunately for each their Narcissism-101 has morphed into reality, again. 

This is why the song “The Magic in Your Love” was not given to The First Lady Melania Trump, in 2019-20 and last Christmas, before The First Lady left the Office or tomorrow on the 4th of July, Independence Day. 

I had failed in my responsibility, but got a great education concerning the church leaders. I decided a man, cannot be a fair judge of these 2-song written to the most famous Ladies in the last 100-years. When you read my letter to the Chaplin of the USMC, Rear Adm. Brent Scott you will have a powerful overview of the song. You will want to share the song, with all the women in the world, these men would have cared less because it’s emotional.

So, are you interested in my lifelong adventure, as I was writing about my story with God, even, if No Christians could find any value or importance? If you communicate with Mandy, well, the Jewish people will have done what the Christian Religion & Church could not accomplish and unite Mandy with the only song ever written for Princess Diana….. her song “Unconditional Love” written, as she silently, passed through the streets of London in Sept. 1997. I have kept this tribute; silent for 24-yrs. no one has ever heard the song. Nechoma, you can view what I gave the world 3-yrs ago on the Song Page. No one goes to my Songbook site unless, I send them there.

You will discover very quickly, that all my efforts to contact Melania and Mandy failed for many different reasons!

The 2-songs:

1.2009 - The Magic in your Love – written to honor Melania Trump song spoken by Donald – recorded 2012

2.1997 - Unconditional Love – written to honor Princess Diana the week she passed away – recorded 2004

You can read these documents, about my song, The Magic in your Love; but, what I want is to produce a 5-minute music video using most of the individual storyboarded pics, just add pictures, easy, to share with Melania, Donald, and their family. It would take less than a day to produce the song, but I found no Video Company, for 2-years who could trust “politically” to perform the task in Edmond or OKC, and not leak it to the left-wing press, end of the story. This is why I focused upon the Church for guidance and help, I was persevering foolishly. I had to take all the information about Melania’s song, off the Song Page 2yrs ago, the other website designers did not like it, I had no choice, as they could screw up my website.

Next, is my song, Unconditional Love; I had never any plans on sharing this song with the world, why, it’s been mine for 24-years. Then, I heard Mandy Harvey and she changed my life. Mandy can find those hidden places in your Soul of Happiness and enlighten your Spirit with her mind-boggling, extraordinary ability to communicate!

Mandy is so unbelievably honest, I had to take lessons, myself, and I wrote the book…hahahah. I thought my story of life was incredible, until I heard her story and watched her transformation, over the past 3-years. My primary focus is in contacting Mandy personally; to just share the song, God and Mandy will do the rest. This story will keep every person, wanting to know the news progress during the transposition of the song, around the world. This is beyond International newsworthy…see, I know Mandy, she will transpose the lyrics to her song and create the music at the same time, because this is how she creates her music because she has perfect pitch and is totally deaf. I believe she will complete the song in weeks and I can complete the Music-video in days, how much incredible news is this?

Then, all humanity will hold-their-breath….. waiting for Mandy to transpose Diana’s song, and give eternity, the ethereal-essence of Princess Diana’s destiny to the world, and her shrouded message to Humanity, today!

“All you need is Love”…. is what she shared with John Lennon, as their message was true, simple, and honest.

These stories will dominate world news, Nechoma, easily. Do you understand our complete privacy, now? Anyone you tell now…..excluding your husband, will hound you for more and more information, human nature, right? We need to meet and you hear the songs, everything else God will handle.

So, I was just watching Nova – astronomy and then, God brought me to Mandy out of nowhere…she was on Nova and I straightaway, understood why! As she immediately, reached in and touched my Soul and Spirit, at the same time, now who can do that? Now I pray, I can get the song to Mandy fast enough, to share it with Queen Elizabeth, before; she too passes away this year!!! William, Diana’s son just erected a new statue of Diana last week, they are just waiting on her song, now, and how do you like my world, Nechoma? Understand my ASAP urgency to complete, these two tasks. 

Harry should get on his knees, to pray and thank God; because William allowed him, to even, be in this historic picture of the Royal Family. Since this would be the last picture of Harry, as a Royal Member; this was the pose the Royal Family gave to Harry, as he is a nobody with only his back....  to the world, forever, so very self-deserving!

In my life, in 1997 when Princess Diana passed away, and I sat in shock like every other person in the world; I was the Construction Foreman and then, the General Manager at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites on 12 St. in Moore, on I-35. So, I wrote some of the song, in my 2x4 framed office in the hotel. FYI

For now, my request if possible is for you to share the documents and SongBook website with your husband, only, I do realize the magnitude of the documented presented and then, for both of you to listen to the songs in my studio at home.

This will confirm what I have been documenting for you, and then, for the world. When you enter my home it will be very, easy to understand why I have never shared any of my creativity for 50-years, why, no need? Throughout, my life I have never, ever thought of “How I could not, do something” that is antithetical to my consciousness, this was a gift from God to me. What I cannot understand is why; I seem to be the only person, who was standing in line… on that hot day. Hahaha

So, I consolidate the documents to these requests;

1.To help find a video person/company we can trust, with my pictures and make the 5-minute music-video and not leak it to the press, then, you, I, and The CHABAD COMMUNITY CENTER present it to Melania and Donald personally at Mar-a-Lago, easy. Now, as I re-read might be possible to give it to them here, you will be the hostess.

2.Next, would be to present my letter, to Mandy Harvey and/or share the SongBook website. I discovered because of Mandy’s hearing disability and her absolute dependency upon, the people around her, in good faith they do control…. all of her input.

3.Just wondering how many ongoing stories of this happiness of news could be procured from this fascinating adventure, everything I do is documented as you have read. Nechoma, actually you will be crafting the news, to save Freedom in America, not destroying it like the left-Communist media propaganda. Let’s level the playing-field of LIFE and take back this Great Country!!

Ok, Nechoma, take a deep-breath….that was the introduction….hahaha

What I really need, is just someone to talk to,

about everything happening,

I just have my cat…. Wu Shui Fung

The 3rd SongBook titled... "theEthics" of Honorable Intelligence...this defines my life and all my work.

So, I need to introduce you to my SongBook site. So, you can see Princess Diana’s Song… it's on the Song page…turn on your music, low…I have recorded my iridescent-lyrics, to all the music on the site. No one goes there unless I invite them, you will understand why, quickly. I'm a Libra...I educated and balanced both hemispheres, all my life......So, expect to be astounded Nechoma - I’m a graphic artist and website designer

I call my SongBook site:

                                                           A Teachers Dream and is a Musing, into the Thoughts of a Woman

You must use a computer screen because the pictures are too large, for your Soul of Happiness. The text and pic are distorted on a cell. On each PAGE go down and just look at all the PICS, FIRST. .before reading the text...this will be “Looking over the Forest” before you read and count the trees…it will take some time just to look at the 110-pics on the 6-Pages.

When you scroll down below the Songbook cover, and see the sun shining this song is “theDepth” of your Soul,” it is recorded on the 5th album. I will share this insight, I wrote this poem, to God my Father, to see if I had everything, correct!! This is why it’s at the very beginning and the introduction to my world, of Happiness and complexity. I asked, the Bishop to read the song out loud for his Soul of Happiness and tell me, if there is a better sermon for Humanity, and he did not reply….. your turn, mam.

It will take you hours so go slow, no hurry...Hopefully, you have an evening to take and lose a couple of hours unmindfully. The Song Page will tell you how and why I created this Songbook. Each time you return to the site, Time and Worries will just dissipate, time stands still, an hour goes by in the snap of your fingers….because you have to release the emotional duress of living today, in the Present, just to enter my world; where truthfulness is a song of ethereal-rhapsody.

There are pictures of myself at the bottom of each Page throughout my life. I created my visionary-world, in harmony, so beautifully complex and romantic…. because life begins with a kiss. . . . . I told Don Jr., to read everything I create out loud for your Soul of Dreams….where compassion, empathy, and creativity abounds.

Nechoma, I know this is just my introduction and you will have many questions, what I can tell you is….. being the FIRST in the World, to hear the Songs, this will dissipate 95% of the issues, because you will know what I know!

So, contact me if you get this letter, please.

God bless you,

dylan – “thePoetologist” of Life

Just a Wise and Happy Dolphin swimming forever….in an enchanted Sea of Tranquility

PS.Ivanka, will be running for President in 2024, it has been the plan since the beginning. I would pick Judge Jeanine Pirro on Fox News, as the VP.

When you and the world hear this song, The Trump Name, will be back in business, so to speak and that means

The American-Republicans can start taking back…… this Country from the Communists, now!! This song is so beautifully honest, and emotionally romantic every woman in the world; will wish their husband or boyfriend would say these words, to them….forever as Donald shares his Romantic-Heart….. Melania and with the World!!

Remember, George M. Cohan wrote a song called “Over There” it changed the course of World and American history.

These Songs Dedications are on the Book Page and the only mention of Melania Trump on the website. I have been listening to these Songs for 9-years, and seems every Song is more, incredible than, the next. Every Song is an adventure and cosmic journey, into “theTruth” of Life.

 Honored Song Dedications for:

Dr. Carl Sagan, Dr. Michio Kaku

Princess Diana of Wales

Dr. Mark Wisnefske

Claude Debussy

Pablo Picasso

Jimi Hendrix

Melania Trump

Sir, Isaac Newton

The Master Meng-Tzu

The Geniuses of Humanity

Missa Johnouchi and Shao Rong


             Wisdom of Genius - 103:

Taking a complex problem and reducing it, to its 2-lowest common denominator,

in a quagmire of indecision with an abridgment of inductive and deductive reasoning;

this syzygy is the applied awareness of “Reductive Thinking”


Mrs. Nechoma Goldman, add pictures to a song and give each Woman their Song…..