As: an American Retired Marine 1971
- Whistleblower
This website has only 1-purpose to expose
the hidden Anti-American
agenda & ambitions
of the Chinese Communists Xin-Min and Susan (Chen) Liu
. . . . .
As these Communists enforce their manifesto of dishonor against Humanity:
NO - Responsibility
NO - Accountability
NO - Compassion
NO - Trust or Honor
** NO - Remorse
it's not my Fault and Never, ever my Problem
As: an American Retired Marine 1971
- Whistleblower
This website has only 1-purpose to expose
the hidden Anti-American
agenda & ambitions
of the Chinese Communists Xin-Min and Susan (Chen) Liu
. . . . .
As these Communists enforce their manifesto of dishonor against Humanity:
NO - Responsibility
NO - Accountability
NO - Compassion
NO - Trust or Honor
** NO - Remorse
it's not my Fault and Never, ever my Problem

Electing the New
Chinese HOA - President for the Danforth Farms
Electing the New
Chinese HOA - President for the Danforth Farms

I met the Communist Xin Min and Susan Liu; the day I moved into their Edmond house on July 1, 2019.
I am Dylan, Retired Sgt. USMC
I would like to say that as a private Art Collector most of my life, I have met many nationalities of people and have met several American-Chinese. Their houses were full of Chinese antiques, furniture, paintings, large porcelain pots, hanging fans, rugs, and scrolls. I traded with several businesses for years and knew the shop owners, very well. As you will read, this is why Xin Min and Susan's Liu's behavior was so difficult for me to understand because these were, the ....1st Chinese Communists I had ever met, personally!!!
. . . . .
Before I start, I wanted to share this epigram my mother gave me, as a kid.....and has been the pillar of my life:
"Never get Mad, always get Honest!"
I met Xin Min and Susan Liu in their home shown above to sign the lease. I was shocked as they took me through their home. I have been an Asian & European art collector since college about 45yrs. I have lived in Houston, Phoenix, Ventura, and Seattle been in many homes buying art. When I lived in Seattle I used to drive to San Francisco and Vancouver, Can. to vacation and go to estate sales, art auctions, and meet with many local dealers.
I am a graphic artist and painter, so my home is full of art. Xin Min and Susan have been to my home many times, and we talked a lot about all my art property because they liked my Asian paintings and Xin Min wanted to buy a picture. My USMC Uniformed is framed and when Xin Min saw my Uniform, he turned and walked out of the room, just figured he was strange. I have been in their house many times, as they toured me into every room. As Susan showed me their home, I was actually, in shock as every Chinese home I had been in was filled with calligraphy scrolls, statues, pots, paintings, porcelain china, and rosewood furniture. Xin Min and Susan had NO Chinese cultural items in their home, ZERO, why!! My impression was mayb
e their decorative style was Italian-ish and Mexican wrought iron. I just walked away and thought this was the next Chinese generation in America!!
Susan even showed me some art she had just bought in their bedroom and for 2-educated Chinese people who have traveled the world for 30-yrs., their house has no cultural items of value, their weight-equip was the focus of their lives. Something, just did not add up?
I had A/C problems to start and had Xin Min and his handyman Moni (Iranian), at the house for about 2-weeks. The house is 47-yrs old and had the original A/C unit with other ventilation blower issues. Having been a writer most all my life, I asked endless questions and we talked about American and international politics. Their common belief was America is a terrible country and they HATED...Pres. Trump...for their own racial and political reasons.
Xin Min has no creative knowledge of art, but was always trying to impress me that he could read Chinese writings and calligraphy. He kept reminding me he had worked at the UN as an interpreter and was an Attorney, and Susan was an Engineer and "the Boss" of the family, so, I just took him at his word. This is all he ever stated about their education and fields of profession, in all our conversations, never a word, metaphor, or reflection, nothing about a legal case or Susan's work.
In the unfortunate 2-yrs. I lived in his house, there were 5-other residents next door and Xin Min asked me to show the house many times. Xin Min told me to get along with Americans he told everyone that, “He was a Chinese-Redneck and had a rifle in the back of his pickup.” He would try to tell a few jokes and now, he was an American.
“We have exchanged over 50-emails with pictures and attachments, and many text messages, phone conversations, and in-person conversations in the last 25-months.
The following list was derived after 2-yrs. and many conversations with Xin Min, as he always likes to brag about himself and his accomplishments verbally, but not in writing. I am very sure; he did not reveal the major Chinese Communist platform changes he plans for the City of Edmond, and for the Danforth Farms.
During the virus pandemic of 2020, because I did pay my rent, I was always complimented every month and Xin Min shared many things about his past and his relationships in China during this 2020 year lockdown time.
Xin Min Liu - Danforth Farms
Presidential Platform
Xin Min Liu - Danforth Farms
Presidential Platform
1. There should be speed bumps, every 3rd house
2. Close the swimming pool, he could see it's a waste of money from his view, could be used for other projects
3. He only likes silence, does not like hearing children or their yelling (referenced his son)
4. No Fireworks, or outdoor Parties for any occasion
5. NO American Flags or political signs
6. The mailboxes should all be uniform and look like his mailbox
7. He believes there need to be constructed a Security Gate with Guards 24/7 to protect the residence
in Danforth Farms Community
8. Start a new HOA Newsletter - he would be a good editor - because he is a translator
9. These items can be accomplished by increasing HOA dues.
10. After he is elected the HOA President; Xin Min wants to run for the Major of Edmond. He says, he could
run this City much more efficiently
11. Susan Liu could then, run for the HOA Presidency and continue to improve the community’s resident
During the first months of the lockdown in 2020
During the first months of the lockdown in 2020
We talked on the phone a lot more, this is where I learned about
the Finances of
the Xin Min Liu Family Trust Corporation.
We talked on the phone a lot more, this is where I learned about
the Finances of
the Xin Min Liu Family Trust Corporation.
Xin Min told me about his sister and son and he had a bad relationship with both. He had many fights with his son and they did not talk anymore over money. His son was born in America and disagreed with Xin Min's international business practices here!!
His sister was older and told him what to do; Xin Min had given me a valuable large hand-knitted wall hanging his sister knitted, I believe as a birthday present for him. It was the nicest cultural piece in their home. Xin Min hates his sister, as he said, “Stealing money from him and she caused bad family problems for him.” He said, “His x-wife had something on him, divorced him and got a lot of money, and implied he was lucky to get out of that situation.” I believe from his distress in speaking of each of them, they will tell you everything you want to know, as they each despise Xin Min Liu, for his Communist International Business dealings.
If you read all our correspondence it would be hard to find evidence of Xin Min’s literary claims of advanced education. Xin Min asked me to show the duplex next door a couple of times and gave me the key. No problem.
He sends some people over and as we are actually talking, on the phone he says, “I need to call my attorney about them having a 3-yr. old and the stairs they are very steep.” He wanted to know if he had any liability. He was worried…. as they were on their way to the duplex, right now, wow. This was when, I really scratched my head, he is a Landlord having rented the house many times over the years and he is an Attorney? You make sense of this, I was baffled?
In-person, he just chatted with me. I speak in sentences, which frustrated him; he did not like to listen to a story or any details about anything!!
In early 2020, when the pandemic hit we talked on the phone, often. I was the only person outside his Chinese circle who he could talk to. I always had a suggestion or just a good ear. I pay my mortgage or rent on time, all my life being a 70-year old and a disabled Marine since 1971, and I always have the money on the first. Xin Min thanked me for my on-time rent payments, and told me about his many other tenants that were not paying rent. I already sent an email stating to him to request ½ monthly payments for 6-months and change their contacts, to keep the money coming in. I asked; if he had made arrangements with all the banks and mortgage companies, for extended payments on the loans?
1. Xin Min expressed a great need to sell his houses in Yukon, Norman, and Midwest City to then, purchase other houses in the Danforth Farms community.
a. His idea was to get some sexy Realtors, who had different Brokers, in a small town, to work for him, and when he decided, which, houses he wanted to buy, the Realtor would just take EACH homeowner an offer!
b. I asked, how many houses are you going to buy in Danforth Farms? Xin Min said, “I have about 4 to 7-houses in the
Danforth, I have already selected!” Xin Min stated, "Susan wants to bring her family to be closer, I have some relatives in
China and I would like to bring some people I do business with."
c. Xin Min stated, “Just to get the ball rolling, He would just lowball them. He said, he had his own escrow acct. for the money.
Then, he would haggle their price, and agree and then have the homeowner fix up everything and then, walk away, and
have his wife Susan with another out-of-town Realtor, to buy the house at below-market with all the repairs.”
2. Xin Min talked to me about his Son and Sister….Never used their names, even when I asked? His Son was born to his 1st wife and she and her son….really divorced Xin Min because they were born Americans and Xin Min was always a Member of the Chinese Communist Party…this was the great hatred between The Son and his Mother against their Communist…Father/Dad Xin Min. The Son demanded to be sent with his Mother! Xin Min said in general, he tried to use attorney tactics, against the Mother saying, “She was a bad wife and a terrible Mother!” The divorce was very bad and hurt him a lot; he just wanted his Son to take over when he got older.
He and his Son’s biggest argument was about MONEY, Xin Min’s idea of being a good Father was, he would give his son money when he obeyed and did what he was told! Then, he described his plan, “He wanted his Son to take over the Xin Min Liu Family Trust and Business.” So, every decision Xin Min made concerning, his Son, was for him to get involved in Xin Min’s International, Political, Personal, and Family business. Here was their argument, “The Son, could have money for college or a car or apartment, but he had to work with Xin Min and for the Family Trust.” Xin Min’s stated argument was this was very reasonable work for money and everyone is happy.
Then, one day Xin Min and Susan showed up at my door. They asked to come in and Xin Min gave me a box and I open it. There was a wool handcrafted scroll about 3x3ft red with calligraphy in the middle. I had never seen anything like this and said, thank you. I had to know why; he would give anything, to anyone! Susan stated, “His Sister, gave this art to Xin Min!” We chatted and then they had to go.
3. Then, all I heard was people not paying their rent because of the new Law concerning the virus.
Xin Min kept telling me he was an Attorney and later he was a UN Interpreter as his work experience. He told me Susan his wife, was an Electrical Engineer.
As we went to his patio to talk he showed me where he had an in-ground Koi fish pond it was long and winding, not wide it was Asian style, but all boarded up. I did ask why? He said, “They had expensive Koi fish and had spent a lot of money on the pump equipment.” My first, reply was it was a bad tenant and he said no. Next, your son and no. Xin Min said, “It was business.” So, having created a lot of waterfalls and ponds, I said, “Well, let's get this pond back running, so you can sit on your patio and hear the falling water. Xin Min replies, “They would do it again.” I replied, just call the police. He replied, “I cannot do that.”
Xin Min told me he had not worked in over 20-yr. as he and Susan have made 1-2 trips to China every year to meet relatives and do business. He said several times, he had relatives/business relationships that were hassling/heavy pressure on him and he did not want to go to China in 2020. I asked, “Are you still doing business in China” he bragged and (I paraphrase) said, “I know a lot of wealthy people and have been doing business all his life in China did not matter where he lived.”
This is when Xin Min told me he owned his $360K house
had NO Mortgages on the other 25-houses he owned,
it is really 38-houses....
This is when Xin Min told me he owned his $360K house
had NO Mortgages on the other 25-houses he owned,
it is really 38-houses....
These were all rent houses paying rent every month, a cash cow, and he never gives back rental deposits !! So, his only cost was insurance, property taxes, and maintenance. So, where did the revenue money go for 20-or more yrs.? I confirmed his statements of real estate ownership.
I then asked, “Did you pay cash for the houses, then?” Xin Min said, “Mostly.” I said what is the problem you have a lot of cash in the bank? Xin Min did not reply!! This is when as a businessman, I felt whatever he was doing was illegal and international.
Xin Min, also, changed his perspective, during the early pandemic weeks it was now all, America's and Trump's fault for the virus because he was losing money and he was mad!! I understood his words to be at that time; he was just visiting here, in America, and had distant plans on moving back to China or Thailand.
My Conclusion:
My Conclusion:
So, after 2-yrs of contact with Xin Min and Susan Liu, I believe he and Susan did not have the income to purchase these houses on their own, without financial help!
When Xin Min spoke of the people who were his relative/friends in China, I got the impression they were not wealthy or financial professionals. My supposition was immediately where, how did they each, get so much money to buy the houses? Next, the thought was, who gave his relative/friends in China, the money to invest?
It sounded to me like a Ponzi scheme of some kind with a Chinese Communist Party govt. and with a family twist.
I have discovered; Xin Min and Susan sell houses back and forth, and with the same people in their family. Now, why would they do this, is there a tax fraud, let’s just follow the money trail?? I have several theories, but without more concrete information, I will wait and see what happens.
. . . . .
In my opinion..... from all my communications with Xin Min Liu; he absolutely, hates the United States and has always been a Chinese Communist doing business in this Country as a….anti-American!
The explosive importation of Xin Min Liu's... Finances!!!!
His Financial portfolio will absolutely,
change how you view having the Chinese Communist Xin Min Liu,
the President of the Danforth Farms HOA or worse as
the next ......Major of Edmond!

"I Have Not Yet, Begun to Fight," 1779
. . . . . John Paul Jones in Battle
"I Have Not Yet, Begun to Fight," 1779
. . . . . John Paul Jones in Battle
In truth, this Anti-America propaganda the media calls "CRT – Critical Race Theory"…. dictates, that America and its citizen are inferior and therefore, must be dominated!
It is time for America and the World to have….. a come to Jesus talk…. this CRT- hoopla of negative propaganda is fundamental in Communion 101 and we need to change the title to:
to overthrow America and take over the world….
The United States of America is under seize, today, even our Military, and as every “Parent” in this country has horribly discovered. OK, do you see any of your “City-Local Newspapers” even reporting or covering these Parents….in their confrontational School Board Meeting across America, hell NO!
Will...... Never Report this media depression of 'the Freedom of the Press" because their pendulum...does not swing to...."The Bill of Rights" ...NO they get their....unconstitutional glory by ???
So, a 2-yr. story or website like the one you are reading has.... NO NEWS....why, because they have been subverting and deleting "The Truth" from every story for 30-years....they are each...
The Silent and now,
the ACTIVE....
Media Promoters of The Communist Race Theory - 101
Retired USMC Sgt. 1971
I have contact 7-Newspaper Publisher/Editors
This is the last Publisher/Editor, I communicated with
and you decide
where the Communist Propaganda Theory
is being implemented
all across America in each Town and City?
I have contact 7-Newspaper Publisher/Editors
This is the last Publisher/Editor, I communicated with
and you decide
where the Communist Propaganda Theory
is being implemented
all across America in each Town and City?
The 7th– Publisher/Editor
in Oklahoma
This Publisher Comrade...,
Opened the 2-websites, “theEthics” of Honorable Intelligence and HOA-Danforth.com on Oct. 15, 2021, an hour; after I left a message on his answering machine and sent the email. So, at least he did review the content within the attached letter to Don Trump, Jr. sent on Oct. 15.
This Publisher Comrade said, “Journalism is constantly changing and we will change with it."
He also states, "That Journalism is foundational to Democracy." ???
How is this "Perspective of the Truth" implemented in America
is what everyone is asking today
Thank GOD????
In the past 2-yrs: I have sent 54-Fedex’s, some e-mails, and talked with news and media people all over America. This became ongoing documentation of a timeline book, 348-pages, now. I even, tried to communicate with Queen Elizabeth, Mandy Harvey, and Sir Charles Spencer in England. This book continues today, and some of these letters and correspondence are on the website. I did contact 7 renowned Editors/Publishers around America and their replies were and I easily, paraphrase….
There is nothing about Trump,
that is news worthy!
There is nothing about Trump,
that is news worthy!
Knowing this website and my Songbook website were going International and Public this week, I contacted the 7th Editor/Publisher …..he was the first person, contacted the day after I finished the website.
So, it was easy to follow, which HOA-Danforth.com - PAGES he was opening and the time of day...... All of the counters were at ZERO!!
NO excuses and NO cover-up, possible!
So, having experience with other narcissists Anti-Trump and Anti-American…… Publisher/Editors, I attached my FedEx letter to Don Trump, Jr., in the e-mail because this letter is on the website and I did this in advance of this Publisher even opening, either website!!
This famous and respected, Publisher/Editor, found absolutely NO NEWS, NO Stories of interest….for his readers or the public, so nothing newsworthy for the City, State, America, or the World in my 2-websites, the letter emailed or even Don Jr. letter! WHY???

I am positive none of these Publishers/Editors I communicated with have a copy of the:
"Declaration of Independence"
"The Bill of Rights"
"The Constitution"
anywhere in their Newspaper Office or in their home. I will apologize if it is warranted. This Publisher/Editors, was now, so Politically-Compromised, with his personal dishonor, his philosophical entanglements were TOTALLY....disinterested. So, he assigned NO Reporter or to even contact me.
He knew, this story is going public and he was the "Very FIRST” to have this knowledge and so, this Publisher, joyfully.... was Playing God, again, as a neurotic-Narcissist, he had No Choice, so he gave it little attention and it was easy, to.....
Kill the Story.
The primary question for everyone reading this letter is "How many American Stories" have been shared and trashed, over the past 20-Years because of his Demonstrated-Communist practice of Anti-America propaganda?
Do you remember, Publisher/Editors, had already warned America and Oklahoma and this is what he was talking about!!!
The Publisher/Editor said, “Journalism is constantly changing and we will change with it."
This website and soon the documented-Book/Lettres website…are going International and across America. So, these are the people who will examine and evaluate the “News worth contents” contained in the 2-letters and 2-websites. I had to ask WHY, again, because I had found another narcissist…applying his “GOD Persona” exposing the dishonest journalism of his own political desires and then, was so very fearful he was going to be scrutinized, NEVER, replied!
HE, had my personal email, and both websites show my other e-mail addresses. So, I could watch his Page choices and his political-disdain each day, with an absolute total mistrust of his perspective of America, which turned to suspicion. As I watched, what he thought were the most important PAGES to open, after receiving my e-mail and attachment! Wow…really!
It has been 28-days and still no word from this Publisher/Editor! I delayed going public, a week, I was very sick from endless-duress, and for him to contact me, and Do-the-Right-Thing for America and Oklahoma!! Now, look at the Pages Listed below….
SO, which Pages, would YOU… a Proud Citizen in America,
a Patriot,
demanding Pro-Self-Government for Freedom of Speech
which, Pages, would you open in these 2-websites?
I have listed the Pages on both website, for the world to decide, why, I put this letter at the bottom of the Xin Min Liu – Page - the only…..Communist Page? Every American citizen wants to understand the devastating and depressing crises in this Country, Today!
This website is a 2-years’ timeline-chronicle of events, that almost cost me my life, several times!!
A. The website Hoa-Danforth.com – 12-PAGES
1.Xin Min Liu 8. New Year’s Eve
2.Property 9. Chinny
3.Xin Min-Relatives 10. June 2nd Leak
4.Dylan Intro 11. June 29
5.Xin - Emails 12. July 10th
7.John S.
This highly respected Editor/Publisher – Open and Viewed:
Oct 15 - 4-Pages….… 4-Pages Xin Min Liu – the Communist Page
Oct 16 - 11-Pages…... 10-Pages Communist Page 1-Page Dylan Intro
Oct 17 - 6-Pages……. 6-Pages Communist Page
Oct 18 - 5-Pages……. 5-Pages Communist Page
Oct 19 - 7-Pages……. 6-Pages Communist Page 1-Page Dylan Intro
B. The website “theEthics” of Honororable Intelligence has 6-PAGES:
3.The Writer
6.The Journey
This highly respected Editor/Publisher – Open and Viewed:
Oct 15 - 1-Pages….…. 1-Page Song
Oct 16 - 5-Pages….. …4-Pages Song 1-Page the Book
Oct 17 - 6-Pages……. .6-Pages Song
Oct 18 - 2-Pages……. .2-Pages Song
Oct 19 - 7-Pages……. .6-Pages Song 1-Page the Book
As the creator of these 2-websites, I can tell you, HE got about 5% of the truth because of his radical and personal political prejudges against Donald Trump, The Trump family, and America!! Next, how could he become a Reported, an Editor or Publisher, without any real imagination, simple curiosity, or personal inquisitiveness was the question, I kept asking myself.
Please, do not judge or make any decision based upon this letter. Go and experience the very painful…story of how I encountered an arrogant, dictatorial-Communism in my living room Face-to-Face.
This website is the results of a Retired USMC Sgt. who refused to be "Dominated or Humiliated" by an intimidating, loudmouth, little bully, communist. Now, the world is going to be introduced to Xin Min and Susan Chen Liu.....as….. the Faces.....
Domestic Communist Terrorist
now, living
in Edmond, Oklahoma!!!
This is the most unfortunate, truth, about, this Publisher/Editor he has probably, surrounded himself with employees/people with his politically commingled anti-Trump and anti-America teachings of perception, so what does constitutes; the Truth, what is NEWS, what should be rejected, and denied to the American people in Oklahoma?
In truth, each of the other 6-Publisher/Editors has the same ideology represented in the Anti-America propaganda CRT – Critical Race Theory…. That America and its citizen are inferior and therefore, must be dominated!
It is time for the World to have….. a come to Jesus talk…. With these 7-Publisher/Editor in America… CRT- this hoopla of negative propaganda is fundamental in Communion -101 and we need to change the title to:
The Communist Race Propaganda-Theory
to overthrow America and take over the world….
The United States of America is under seize, today, this Communist Race Propaganda-Theory - is even now, in our Military, and as every “Parent” in this country has horribly discovered our Public Schools have been reclassified as..."Communist Schools!"
Now, do you see any of your “City-Local Newspapers” even reporting or covering these very unhappy and angry American Parents protecting their Children….in their confrontational School Board Meeting across America, hell NO!
Get involved, take Pride in your America or it will be gone in a Year!
Dylan - Retired USMC Sgt. 1971
As the creator of these 2-websites, I can tell you, HE got about 5% of the truth because of his radical and personal political prejudges against Donald Trump, The Trump family, and America!! Next, how could he become a Reported, an Editor or Publisher, without any real imagination, simple curiosity, or personal inquisitiveness was the question, I kept asking myself.
Please, do not judge or make any decision based upon this letter. Go and experience the very painful…story of how I encountered an arrogant, dictatorial-Communism in my living room Face-to-Face.
This website is the results of a Retired USMC Sgt. who refused to be "Dominated or Humiliated" by an intimidating, loudmouth, little bully, communist. Now, the world is going to be introduced to Xin Min and Susan Chen Liu.....as….. the Faces.....
Domestic Communist Terrorist
now, living
in Edmond, Oklahoma!!!
This is the most unfortunate, truth, about, this Publisher/Editor he has probably, surrounded himself with employees/people with his politically commingled anti-Trump and anti-America teachings of perception, so what does constitutes; the Truth, what is NEWS, what should be rejected, and denied to the American people in Oklahoma?
In truth, each of the other 6-Publisher/Editors has the same ideology represented in the Anti-America propaganda CRT – Critical Race Theory…. That America and its citizen are inferior and therefore, must be dominated!
It is time for the World to have….. a come to Jesus talk…. With these 7-Publisher/Editor in America… CRT- this hoopla of negative propaganda is fundamental in Communion -101 and we need to change the title to:
The Communist Race Propaganda-Theory
to overthrow America and take over the world….
The United States of America is under seize, today, this Communist Race Propaganda-Theory - is even now, in our Military, and as every “Parent” in this country has horribly discovered our Public Schools have been reclassified as..."Communist Schools!"
Now, do you see any of your “City-Local Newspapers” even reporting or covering these very unhappy and angry American Parents protecting their Children….in their confrontational School Board Meeting across America, hell NO!
Get involved, take Pride in your America or it will be gone in a Year!
Dylan - Retired USMC Sgt. 1971

Millions of Great Americans have given their lives for our Country
to protect and defend the Future of their Children
If you are a Proud American....stop being a Coward
. . . . .
tongue-tied - inaudible - unspoken - soundless
worse Speechless
Get involved and support,
standing up for my Country!!!
Millions of Great Americans have given their lives for our Country
to protect and defend the Future of their Children
If you are a Proud American....stop being a Coward
. . . . .
tongue-tied - inaudible - unspoken - soundless
worse Speechless
Get involved and support,
standing up for my Country!!!